Benefits of a Home Wireless Network

The Benefits of a Home Wireless Network

WiFi is not just for connecting to the Internet anymore. Now you can connect everything in your home from your computers (including stand alones, laptops and iPads), wireless printers, cell phones, iPods and Kindles to your WiFi, and the benefits of networking your home are seemingly endless!

Just imagine, if all of the electronics in your house are connected to a wireless network, your smart phone can control everything! There are so many things you can do when your home is set up with a wireless network.

  • Use your iPhone or iPod as a multi-room wireless music remote.
  • Send a document to your printer from any computer or electronic device that is connected.
  • Share a printer. There’s no need for multiple printers anymore!
  • Forward notifications from your smart phone to your PC so you can answer calls from your computer when your phone isn’t handy.
  • Stream movies and audio to any television in the house.
  • Share files with any of your networked computers or electronics.
  • Sinc music libraries, photo libraries and any other files you have.
  • Save money on your cell bill if WiFi is not included or included only on a limited basis on your plan.
  • And so much more!

One of the many services we offer at Computer A Services is setting up Home Wireless Networks. Give us a call, we will be happy to provide you with a FREE estimate.