Planning on buying the new 2018 MacBook Pro? Here is what you should know!
Apple has introduced software that will effectively prevent independent and third-party repair on the 2018 MacBook Pro. The new system will render the computer “inoperable” a propitiatory Apple system configuration software is run after the repair. This new policy will apply to all Apple computers with the “T2” security chip, which is present in the 2018 MacBook Pro and iMac Pro. The software will kick in for all repairs other than for example memory. The name of the new software is Apple Service Toolkit 2. The only way to use the new AST 2 software is to login to Apple’s Global Service Exchange, a cloud based server that Apple uses for repairs and service.
There are currently 8 states that have introduced Right to Repair Legislation. Apple is gearing up to oppose the legislation in at least one state.
The Right to Repair Legislation is designed to make it easy for people to get their devices repaired easily. Don’t break into your happy dance: it is going to be a bumpy ride for the bill. The bill would require manufacturers to provide replacement parts to owners and independent repair shops. If the bill passes is will give owners other options, not just manufacture repairs.
The fact that Apple is trying to make it harder for customers to get their devices repaired is not sitting well with some people. If you live in any of the 8 states (Illinois, Tennessee, Massachusetts, Nebraska, New York, Minnesota, Kansas and Wyoming) and feel that you should be allowed to fix the stuff you bought – pick up the phone and call your state legislator. makes it easy to shoot them an email if you prefer. If you do not live in any of the states above and want to be heard, still get in touch with your legislator and let your voice be heard.